O gracious and beautiful Heaven, 
more vast than the heavens themselves, 
for they cannot contain God, 
Who is immense, but He concealed Himself in thy womb; 
O richest of all treasures, 
in which was deposited the treasure of our redemption; 
O Mother of sinners, 
under whose mantle we are defended; 
O consolation of the world, 
in which all who are afflicted, infirm, and disconsolate, 
find consolation; 
O beautiful eyes, which steal hearts; 
O coral lips, which imprison souls; 
O generous hands, filled with lilies, 
and which always distribute graces; 
O pure creature. who appearest a God, 
and whom I should have taken for a God, 
had not faith taught me that thou art not so, 
although thou hast a splendor, 
and I know not what of Divine sovereignty; 
O great Lady, empress of Heaven, 
enjoy for a thousand eternities the greatness of thy state, 
the immensity of thy greatness, 
and the happiness of thy glory, 
We only beseech thee, 
O compassionate Mother, not to forget us, 
who glory in being thy servants and children, 
And since in thee are deposited all graces, 
and the best and most privileged of all created things, 
grant, O Lady, that we, 
thy devout children, 
may be favored more beyond comparison 
than are all other men on earth, 
The whole world should know that the dear children of Mary 
are the best of Heaven and earth: 
they are the spoilt children, 
who enjoy all the choicest possessions of their Mother; 
they are the beloved Benjamins, 
who, being caressed in the bosom of the Queen of Heaven, 
are doubly favored 
and doubly caressed by the Majesty of God, 
This I hope, O most beautiful Rachel; 
and this I am confident that thou wilt do, 
O sovereign Princess, 
in the name of what thou art, do it; 
for all Heaven prostrate at thy feet beseeches thee, 
and with importunity asks it of thee. 
Say only yes, pronounce only a loving consent; 
be it done, be it done, fiat, fiat! 

O men, of what are you thinking? 
How can you love earthly, deceitful, and lying creatures, 
which betray you and cause you to lose your souls, 
your bodies, Paradise, and God! 
And why do you not love the most loving, 
the most amiable, 
the most faithful Mary, who, 
after having enriched you with consolations and graces in this life, 
will obtain you from her Divine beloved Son 
the eternal glory of Paradise? 

O Mary, Mary more beautiful than all creatures, 
lovely after Jesus above all loves, 
more dear than all created things, 
gracious above every grace, 
pity this miserable heart of mine; 
miserable because it does not love thee; 
and it ought to love thee. 
Thou canst inflame it with thy holy love. 
Turn, O Mary, thy loving eyes upon me; 
look at me, and draw me to thee; 
and grant that after God I may love no other but thee, 
most gracious, most amiable Mary, 
Mother of Jesus, 
and my Mother. 


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